The Vending Areas:   The college/university “Vending Banks” are important food, snack and beverage programs for students in other parts of a college campus (where a cafeteria or other food service option does not exist).  Vending Banks can be seen in class buildings, dorm halls, parking areas, student lounges and other areas.
The Conzumable Incubator has a complete module system that links the on-campus food service locations to incubator models ideal for college campuses nationwide.  Our founding team has over 30-years in the vending and micro market industries as suppliers.  They are pioneers in some of the concepts that are related such as the hotel pantry (  Our partnering industry sales team is Advendtures (

Students at the various colleges and universities today do not always have the time for a sit-down meal. As a result, they need faster ways to energise their bodies throughout their school day. It is a known fact that when their bodies become sluggish and fatigued, students have difficulty concentrating on their lessons. You probably are wondering how you can supply the needs of the students in this area at your university or college adequately to make their days of learning more productive. The answer is a simple one. Just install vending machines throughout your campus that are filled with a variety of snacks, food and beverages. Both your students and your college or university will benefit from these machines.
Students Can Eat on the Run
The top benefit of vending machines on college or university campuses is the fact that students can eat on the run when they do not have time to wait on a full meal at a restaurant, the cafeteria or even at home. In a matter of a few minutes, the students can be on the way to their next class or back to their dorm to study reinvigorated with the edibles or beverages from the vending machines. They can even take their choice back to their dorms to enjoy later if they so choose.

Related Trade Associations

National Association of Collegiate Concessionaires
911 Kingsbridge Terrace
Mount Airy, MD 21771
National Association of College &
University Food Services (NACUFS)
2525 Jolly Rd., Ste. 280
Okemos, MI 48864-3680
3 Boar’s Head Lane, Suite B
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 245-8425
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Collegiate & Professional Sports Dietitians Association (CPSDA)
P.O. Box 5043
Bloomington IN 47407-5043
National Association of Concessionaires (NAC)
35 East Wacker Dr., Ste. 1816
Chicago, IL 60601
Specialty Coffee Association
117 W 4th St #300,
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(562) 624-4100